The MVRR's first meet was held on November 22, 2009. Some members of the North East Live Steamers were in attendance: John Halper, Steve Landry, Mike McClure and Roland Gosselin and their families and Tom Oversluizen of the Long Island Live Steamers. Roland's trailor going to fit in the loading dock?
Phew...just fits!
Roland's trailor holds a lot of rolling stock and equipment
Tom Oversluizen helps unload Roland's engine
The engineers pose with their trains in front of the MVRR enginehouse
John with his new Baldwin S-12 and gondola
Steve and Mike ponder a weighty subject
Mike preparing to get his 4-4-0 American under steam
Mike's son and granddaughter
Steamin' across the trestle
Mike takes George Rainier around the back loop. George, this was your first ride behind a steam engine...did you expect all that soot?